Grant Thornton’s Global mobility specialists can assist you, among other things, with visas, employment permits and residency permits.

Working in the Netherlands

Having expats working in the Netherlands brings many challenges. Both for the employer and for the expat. Our specialists will gladly help you with questions around immigration and working in the Netherlands.

Grant Thornton can assist your organisation with:

  • requesting permits under rules for knowledge migrants;
  • registering your organisation with the Dutch Bureau of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND);
  • requesting employment permits and extensions;
  • requesting residency permits and extensions.

Knowledge migrants

Knowledge migrants are expats who make use of the 30% rule. These expats have to adhere to specific rules for income, their knowledge and the minimum length of their employment contract. As an employer you have to be registered with the IND to be able to take part in the knowledge migrants programme. By taking part in the programme:

  • expats can easily and quickly legally work and live in the Netherlands;
  • the work and residency permits are dealt with and awarded simultaneously.

Work and residency permit other expats

Not all foreign employees who come to work in the Netherlands have the status of knowledge migrant. For this group of expats, Grant Thornton can be your partner in ensuring the optimal conditions are set when filing the work permit requests. The permit could for example be based on an ‘intercompany’ transfer or a traineeship.

Are you an expat? Naturally we can help you as an individual too, to apply for the correct residency permit(s) for you and your family.

Expatcenter Amsterdam

We have been chosen as one of the partners of the Expatcenter Amsterdam, owing to our professional approach and expertise. As a partner of this government institution, we work in close cooperation to better meet the needs of Dutch employers as well as foreign individuals.