Legal advice for entrepreneurs

We support entrepreneurs with all their legal issues. Whether it is about setting up a company, drafting contracts, mergers or legal disputes, we offer expert advice tailored to your needs. We help you with the best legal set-up and provide clear solutions that meet your business needs. When international issues arise, we engage our international network of (legal) experts. With short lines of communication and personal guidance, we make sure your legal affairs are properly taken care of, and in good time. 

Services we provide

Mergers and acquisitions

We offer comprehensive M&A support, from strategic advice to implementation. We provide a legally solid foundation, help you with negotiations and guide you to complete a good deal. And when the transaction is completed, you can still count on us, with post-transaction guidance. 

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fusies en overnames

Corporate housekeeping

We take care of the legal administration of your company, including maintaining documents such as the articles of association and shareholders' registers, so that you comply with legislation and regulations.

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Continuity of your business

Our specialists proactively support you and help you with restructuring your company, its re-launch, application of the WHOA (Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord, Homologation of a Private Agreement, that is the Dutch bill on a court’s approval of the private agreement between a company and its creditors and shareholders regarding the restructuring of debts) or bankruptcy filing, so that you are well prepared for any situation.

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Continuiteit onderneming
privacy en dataprotectie

Privacy and data protection

As an entrepreneur, you probably work with privacy-sensitive data, which entails risks. It is important to be aware of how you handle this information and ensure full compliance with the GDPR, so that you minimise risk and maintain your customers' trust. We would be more than happy to help you with that! 

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Real estate law and lease law

Our real estate lawyers will help you draft leases and purchase agreements, and assist you when disputes arise in connection with rent or the purchase of real estate. Whether it is advice or conflict resolution, we make sure everything is legally sound.

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Vastgoed en huurrecht

Do you have a question?

Contact our specialists for more information about our services. 

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