I want to grow through acquisitions, but need to determine which companies fit my strategy? How do I find them? And how do I finance the acquisitions? How do I make sure there are no skeletons in the closet? How do I value a company? The questions are endless. Buying a business is a long and intensive process, which requires tact and consideration. You don't want to pay too much, but you also want to preserve the relationship with the seller, especially when you want to keep the management on board. It’s not easy, but we can help.

Criteria > search > find

We can handle the buying process while letting you focus on the day-to-day business. In order to get you the best deal possible, we have to find a company that fits your strategy. Once your criteria are well-documented, we can use our network to search for, and approach, companies suitable for you. Of course, this approach can also be applied if your growth plans are international. Our international network includes colleagues in over 130 countries and we are ready to assist.

Valuation and negotiation – also internationally

Did you already found a suitable acquisition candidate ? We can assist you in the purchase process and provide tax and legal advice. We can also value the company, conduct negotiations, arrange financing, investigate financial records and draw up the legal documents. This prevents problems in the future. For an international acquisition, we will work closely with our local colleagues, who understand the local do’s and don’ts and can negotiate on your behalf.

Acquiring with a head start

The benefits

  • Thorough market research.
  • An acquisition that fits your strategy.
  • Global candidate search.
  • The best deal. And a fair deal.
  • The acquisition process takes place alongside your normal work.
  • You will have a ‘soft landing’ in your new company.
  • There will be no skeletons in the closet.
  • You will get a sound insight into the financial and legal matters related to the acquisition.
We often work for foreign corporates and Private Equity, for example, who are acquiring their first Dutch so-called DGA company (i.e. owned by the director/major shareholder). We ensure that they include all the specifically Dutch issues when formalising the transaction. I often hear that they are happy with the smooth acquisition process, enabled by our ability to bridge cultural differences, and that they found our advice very useful.
Wilfred van der Lee Partner transaction services