Qualified experts that have the capability to do that, are hard to find and expensive. We understand that cyber security is not your core business. As such, we offer Cyber Security as a Service. Our Managed cyber service guarantees your network is monitored. Gone are your worries! You can return to focusing on your core business.

24 hour monitoring

24-hour monitoring with integral cyber approach

We have a subscription that ensures non-stop competent surveillance of your network. And more. Managed cyber gives you an integral approach to cyber security. First we examine together why you want security: Which data are vulnerable and which subjects play a role in your organisation? Then, again together, we design the process and implement it.

Clear agreements: who acts in which incidents

We work with use-cases: when do you consider something to be an incident? When can the team deal with it themselves, and when do they call you? We make agreements about this. After implementation you will know exactly who to call in which circumstances. And also determine when the team is able to act straight away, on your behalf. That is all part of our integral approach. And we can set this up for you within two weeks.

What do you get out of this?

  • You will be secure within two weeks, without major investments beforehand.
  • You will get insight into your log files: we report
    back on the high priority incidents and threats so you can take the right measures.
  • You will receive an integral and resilient cyber approach.
  • When attacked, you can act quickly and limit damage.
  • You know that we are watching your network to protect it. A comfortable thought.
"We did not know where to start to improve the cyber resilience of our organisation, but with the pragmatic approach of the cyber team of Grant Thornton we have taken great steps to get the basics right."
De Jong Intra Vakanties Bas Oomen (CFO) & Jose Sparreboom (IT Manager)