The new European guidelines for sustainability reporting

The European Union aims to make Europe the first continent in the world to be climate-neutral by 2050. A major European Green Deal has been concluded to achieve this. One of the goals of the Green Deal is to channel more capital towards sustainability. It is therefore essential to have transparency and clear, comparable information about what is and what isn’t sustainable. Various policy instruments have been set up for this: CSRD, SFDR, and NFRD.

How does sustainable reporting contribute to making business future-proof?

A good sustainability report results from a company’s strategy and offers a transparent picture of an organisation and the value it adds or removes from people, the environment, and society in the short, medium, and long term. The sustainability policy leads to results that help determine the way that the reporting is done.

The reports, in turn, contain information and insights that will guide a company when adjusting its sustainability ambitions. This is the beginning of a positive cycle that will last for the future.

Get started with the CSRD in 8 steps

This white paper provides extensive insight and guidance on how to get started with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive using the following 8 steps:

  1. Put together a multidisciplinary team
  2. Enter into a dialogue with stakeholders and do a double materiality analysis
  3. Make a gap analysis and a roadmap
  4. Draw up and implement supplementary policies
  5. Set up a framework for making reports
  6. Have a data collection strategy
  7. Prepare for verification process
  8. Making reports and further sustainability

Our experts

Emma Verheijke


+31 (0) 88 676 9163

Annemieke Bos
