Corporate sustainability: implementing a sustainable HR policy

Corporate sustainability: implementing a sustainable HR policy

Corporate sustainability: implementing a sustainable HR policy
Integrating a sustainable HR policy is crucial for businesses that value attracting and retaining personnel. With a sustainable HR policy, you can engage motivated and loyal employees for the long term. But what does a sustainable HR policy entail? Let's outline some key aspects.

Green employment conditions

Green employment conditions are becoming increasingly popular. These are conditions that not only contribute to the sustainability of your company, but also strengthen the bond with your employees. More and more people value a positive impact on the climate and environment; therefore, employers support their employees in making sustainable choices. Examples include extra vacation days for volunteer work and a budget for making employee homes more sustainable. Implementing green employment conditions facilitates attracting and retaining personnel and ensures that your company is prepared for future laws and regulations.

Conscious contracting

Standard employment contracts are often complex and aimed at minimizing risks, making it difficult for employees to fully understand what they entail. With conscious contracting, the contract becomes a tool to establish an equal and sustainable relationship. It describes in understandable terms what both parties aim to achieve, reducing the likelihood of conflicts.

Sustainable employability

Ensuring that all your employees remain motivated and engaged is essential, especially for those who have been with your company for a long time. This can be achieved by providing a healthy workplace and paying attention to both physical and mental well-being. Investments in sustainable employability increase productivity, save costs, and make your workforce more resilient.

Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are inherently linked. It's not just about having a diverse group of people but also creating an environment where everyone feels welcome. An inclusive workplace leads to greater satisfaction and better team performance. More transparency in the recruitment process (treating each applicant equally) and equal pay are just some ways to achieve this.

Future-oriented entrepreneurship

Implementing a sustainable HR policy may require a different mindset. We are here to help you get started! Would you like to learn more about sustainable HR policy or other relevant topics within sustainable business, such as sustainable contracting or sustainable governance & liability? 

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