online platformen
VAT Information obligation for online platforms
From January 1, 2023, platforms will be required to provide information about their sellers under the EU DAC7.
Aiki Kuldkepp
| 4 min read |
ECJ: Indirect customs representative is not jointly liable for import VAT
VAT ECJ: Indirect customs representative is not jointly liable for import VAT
Case C-714/20 of the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) is of particular interest to forwarding agents.
Aiki Kuldkepp
| 11 min read |
EU VAT changes for virtual events
VAT EU VAT changes for virtual events
The European Council has amended the EU VAT Directive relating to the place of supply for virtual events.
Aiki Kuldkepp
| 5 min read |
Simplify your VAT when selling B2C via The Netherlands
VAT Simplify your VAT when selling B2C via The Netherlands
Most goods imported into the Netherlands from outside the EU are subject to VAT. The VAT will have to be paid by the importer at the time of clearing goods into the EU.
Aiki Kuldkepp
| 6 min read |
Take advantage of deferring import VAT in the Netherlands
VAT Take advantage of deferring import VAT in the Netherlands
Customs duty is levied across the EU at the place where goods are cleared into ‘free circulation’ in the EU. Once duty (if applicable) and VAT has been paid by the importer, the goods are in free circulation and they can then be released for use in the EU market.
Aiki Kuldkepp
| 6 min read |
Possibilities to optimise your Dutch VAT if you are in B2B trade
VAT Possibilities to optimise your Dutch VAT if you are in B2B trade
In most of EU countries acting as an ‘Importer of Record’ means that you will have to register for VAT, charge VAT on sales and submit VAT returns.
Aiki Kuldkepp
| 5 min read |

15 Apr Upcoming Event