Financial administration
An accurate financial administration provides you with the information you need to take the right decisions. The big advantage of a digital financial administration is that it provides insight into your most important financial processes at any time, whether this is the invoices, salary payments or bank changes.
Financial insight
You want to take the right decisions, based on trustworthy and clear management information. You want to have access to all your financial data, 24/7, in order to determine your position and be able to adjust where necessary.
Global compliance partnering
Outsourced compliance services comprises the total financial compliance of your business, in accounting, financial reporting, payroll, legal and various tax reporting obligations. We can make sure you don’t have to worry.

Impact House by Grant Thornton
Building sustainability and social impact. That sounds good. But how do you go about it in the complex world of stakeholders, regulations and frameworks and changing demands from clients and society? How do you deal with important issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss?
Business risk services
Minimize risk, maximize predictability, and execution Good insights help you look further ahead and adapt faster. Whether you require outsourced or co-procured internal audit services and expertise to address a specific technology, cyber or regulatory challenge, we provide a turnkey and reliable solution.
Cyber risk services
What should I be doing first if my data has been kidnapped? Have I taken the right precautions for protecting my data or am I putting too much effort into just one of the risks? And how do I quickly detect intruders on my network? Good questions! We help you to answer these questions.
Deal advisory
What will the net proceeds be after the sale? How do I optimise the selling price of my business or the price of one of my business activities?
Forensic & integrity services
Do you require a fact finding investigation to help assess irregularities? Is it necessary to ascertain facts for litigation purposes?
Independent and objective valuations tailored for mergers, acquisitions, and legal matters.

Auditing of annual accounts
You are answerable to others, such as shareholders and other stakeholders, with regard to your financial affairs. Financial information must therefore be reliable. What is more, you want to know how far you are progressing towards achieving your goals and what risks may apply.
IFRS services
Financial reporting in accordance with IFRS is a complex matter. Nowadays, an increasing number of international companies are becoming aware of the rules. But how do you apply them in practice?
ISAE & SOC Reporting
Our ISAE & SOC Reporting services provide independent and objective reports on the design, implementation and operational effectiveness of controls at service organizations.
Pre-audit services
Pre-audit services is all about making the company’s entire financial administration ready for checking before the external accountant begins his/her audit of the annual accounts.
SOx law implementation
The SOx legislation dictates that management is structurally accountable for reporting on the internal control relevant to the financial statements.

International corporate tax
The Netherlands’ tax regime is highly dynamic. Rules and the administrative courts raise new challenges in fiscal considerations on a nearly daily basis, both nationally and internationally.
VAT advice
VAT is an exceptionally thorny issue, especially in major national and international activities. Filing cross-border returns, registering or making payments requires specialised knowledge. It is crucial to keep that knowledge up-to-date in order to respond to the dynamics of national and international legislation and regulation.
Importing/exporting goods to or from the European Union involves navigating complicated customs formalities. Failure to comply with these requirements usually results in delays. In addition, an excessively high rate of taxation or customs valuation for imports can cost you money.
Human Capital Services
Do your employees determine the success and growth of your organisation? And are you in need of specialists which you can ask your Human Resources (HR) related questions? Human Resources (HR) related questions? Our HR specialists will assist you in the areas of personnel and payroll administration, labour law and taxation relating to your personnel. We provide you with high-quality personnel and payroll administration, good HR guidance and the right (international) advice as standard. All this, of course, with a focus on the human dimension.
Innovation & grants
Anyone who runs their own business sets themselves apart from the rest. Anyone who dares stick their neck out distinguishes themselves even more. That can be rather lucrative.
Tax technology
Driven by tax technology, we help you with your (most important) tax risks. Identify and manage your risks and become in control!
Transfer pricing
The increased attention for transfer pricing places greater demands on the internal organisation and on reporting.
Sustainable tax
In this rapidly changing world, it is increasingly important to consider environmental impact (in accordance with ESG), instead of limiting considerations to financial incentives. Multinational companies should review and potentially reconsider their tax strategy due to the constantly evolving social standards
Pillar Two
On 1 January 2024 the European Union will introduce a new tax law named “Pillar Two”. These new regulations will be applicable to groups with a turnover of more than EUR 750 million.
Cryptocurrency and digital assets
In the past decade, the utilization of blockchain and its adoption of a distributed ledger have proven their capacity to revolutionize the financial sector, inspiring numerous initiatives from businesses and entrepreneurs.
Streamlined Global Compliance
Large corporations with a presence in multiple jurisdictions face a number of compliance challenges. Not least of these are the varied and complex reporting and compliance requirements imposed by different countries. To overcome these challenges, Grant Thornton provides a solution to streamline the global compliance process by centralizing the delivery approach.
Corporate Law
From the general terms and conditions to the legal strategy, these matters need to be watertight. This provides assurance, and therefore peace of mind and room for growth. We will be pro-active and pragmatic in thinking along with you. We always like to look ahead and go the extra mile.
Employment Law
What obligations do you have with an employee on sick leave? How do you go about a reorganisation? As an entrepreneur, you want clear answers and practical solutions to your employment law questions. At Grant Thornton, we are there for you with clear advice, from contracts and terms of employment to complex matters such as dismissal or reorganisation.
Sustainable legal
At Grant Thornton, we help companies integrate sustainability into their business operations, with sustainable legal at the heart of our approach. We advise on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) legislation, and help draft sustainable contracts, implement HR policies, and carry out ESG due diligence in M&A transactions (Mergers and Acquisitions).
Maritime sector
How can you continue to be a global leader? The Netherlands depends on innovation. It is our high-quality knowledge which leads the maritime sector to be of world class.

Grant Thornton en Board in Balance nodigen u uit voor een ‘ronde tafel’-sessie over het functioneren van het commissariaat. We delen inzichten uit het meest recente commissarissen benchmarkonderzoek 2022-2023. We focussen deze keer op stakeholdermanagement en de rol van de rvc.
Wanneer interessant?
De resultaten van de 15e editie van het Grant Thornton commissarissen benchmarkonderzoek laten zien dat het voor commissarissen geen uitgemaakte zaak is dat zij de wensen van de stakeholders voldoende kennen en dat het voor hen onvoldoende duidelijk is welke rol de rvc en de individuele commissaris daarin heeft. Terwijl het belang daarvan in de afgelopen jaren is toegenomen.
We gaan daarover graag met u in gesprek aan de hand van de volgende vragen:
- Is stakeholdermanagement (mede) een rvc-rol?
- Wat gebeurt er reeds vanuit de rvc qua stakeholderdialoog?
- Is een rol voor de rvc wenselijk? Denkt u hierbij aan de toezichtfunctie of de ambassadeursfunctie?
- Waar de ligt de grens, in hoeverre komen we op het terrein van de bestuurder?
- Kan de rvc überhaupt functioneren zonder stakeholderdialoog? En zo nee: is dan een gestructureerde aanpak (beleid) geen noodzaak?
Voor wie?
Voor commissarissen/toezichthouders, raden van bestuur, secretarissen van rvc’s en rvb’s en internal auditors.
12 december 2023
Inloop vanaf 15:30 uur
Programma 16:00-18:00 uur
Borrel 18:00 uur
Wat levert het op?
We geven u inzicht in een deelaspect van het functioneren van het commissariaat, volgens commissarissen en betrokkenen. We bespreken suggesties ter verbetering. We gebruiken onder andere de ideeën die betrokkenen tijdens het onderzoek hebben aangereikt en verschillende voorbeelden uit de praktijk.
- Gastcommissaris Doede Vierstra. Doede is al jarenlang commissaris/toezichthouder. Zowel in de profit- als in de non-profitsector. Op dit moment is hij lid van de rvc van het Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum, voorzitter van de rvt van KNGF geleidehonden, voorzitter van de rvc van Stedin, lid van de rvc van PGGM en sinds kort lid van de rvt van de Nederlandse Bachvereniging .
- Gastcommissaris Joost van Loon. Joost is al jarenlang commissaris/toezichthouder. Op dit moment is hij voorzitter van de rvt van Blick op onderwijs. Daarnaast is hij onafhankelijk voorzitter College van Belanghebbenden Jeugdbescherming en Jeugdreclassering.
- Bart Jonker, CFO van Grant Thornton en buitengewoon betrokken bij het onderwerp stakeholdermanagement, treedt op als gastheer.
- Oscar Toebosch en Dirk-Jaap Klaassen van Board in Balance modereren en presenteren de resultaten van het onderzoek. Board in Balance is een onafhankelijke organisatie die evaluaties van raden van commissarissen en raden van toezicht begeleidt en onderzoek verricht naar governance. Daarnaast stelt Board in Balance profielen op van rvc’s en rvb’s en van aan te trekken individuele commissarissen.
Serie over Grant Thornton Commissarissen benchmarkonderzoek
Deze bijeenkomst maakt deel uit van de serie rond het Grant Thornton commissarissen benchmarkonderzoek. Meer weten? Lees onze rapporten.

Dirk-Jaap Klaassen is researcher/consultant bij Board in Balance. Sinds 2008 verbonden aan Aalt Klaassen bv, waar Dirk-Jaap de afgelopen jaren evaluaties heeft (mede)begeleid en heeft meegewerkt aan het jaarlijkse commissarissen-benchmarkonderzoek. Dirk-Jaap is historicus

Oscar is researcher/consultant en mede-oprichter van Board in Balance. Tevens bestuursadviseur met specialisaties governance, strategie (businessplannen, performance management) en verantwoording (integrated reporting).

Doede is al jarenlang commissaris/toezichthouder. Zowel in de profit- als in de non-profitsector. Op dit moment is hij lid van de rvc van het Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum, voorzitter van de rvt van KNGF geleidehonden, voorzitter van de rvc van Stedin, lid van de rvc van PGGM en sinds kort lid van de rvt van de Nederlandse Bachvereniging .

Joost is al jarenlang commissaris/toezichthouder. Op dit moment is hij voorzitter van de rvt van Blick op onderwijs. Daarnaast is hij onafhankelijk voorzitter College van Belanghebbenden Jeugdbescherming en Jeugdreclassering.