An accurate financial administration provides you with the information you need to take the right decisions. The big advantage of a digital financial administration is that it provides insight into your most important financial processes at any time, whether this is the invoices, salary payments or bank changes.

Digitalising your administration has advantages, such as:

  • Minimising the chance of human errors.
  • 24/7 availability of an up-to-date financial administration.
  • It gives you time to analyse your financial data and get insights that help in better decision-making.
  • More focus. This is an area where there is a lot to be gained.
  • Saving you, and your accountant, time.

What will I gain from digitalising my financial administration?

You will have access to a dashboard, putting all the relevant figures within easy reach. This improves the quality of your decisions. It allows you to see, in one overview, which products and services are delivering. What measures you can take to influence these results. And what you can do to optimise product-market combinations.

Do you want to get more out of your financial administration?

Contact one of our advisers for more information about how to get more out of your financial administration.

Our Financial administration

Online bookkeeping

Online bookkeeping is a fast, trustworthy, and easy digital way to take care of your administration. Without high investments. Financial insights through reports and dashboards are quicker, easier to realise and immediately available. If you have the right software and structure in the software, you will always have immediate insight into all your financial data. This saves you time and helps to take better decisions.

Consolidated accounts

You want to be able to trust your (financial) figures. And your stakeholders want that, too. With the consolidated accounts, we give you insight into the financial position of your company over the previous financial year. The consolidated accounts are used to provide financial accountability to the tax authorities and other stakeholders, such as external suppliers.

Parttime controller

Management based on information is of crucial importance. You probably have an increasing need for looking ahead and asking questions like: what’s my current position, which developments are to be expected, what are the effects and how can I anticipate these? Up-to-date and trustworthy figures form the basis for this. But what if your controller is unavailable? Or if you have to prepare for a (legal) audit and need specific expertise?